About Us


Welcome to aprofitwritings.com. This web site was created by me, Glenn T. Moore, to help the world first with the understanding that there is a God. As in a three part video, now on YouTube and others, I prove this; it gives concrete proof that God exist. Secondly, it gives a deeper insight into God, and explains how He developed His plan for our existence, and how He achieves many things to bring this existence into reality.

I will offer many explanations about the mysteries of the Divine, those that were shown to me, and approved by God to be disclosed. I will also tender solutions to many of the problems that confronts us and explain why many of the world crisis exist. Many topics will be suggested by you, as you ask varied questions that concerns you.

Without any doubt, I know that these writings and video lectures, which are incorporated in the web site, will help many to understand God’s will for us, and to grasp the fullness of life, the way God intended us to live. It is His way or paths in a wayward world. A world that was made wayward by sin.

These paths will lead us to a fuller, richer life and gain eternal salvation for us, as we walk the narrow path to God.

As stated, the site contains: video lectures on various Biblical topics to offer a deeper insight into them; writings about worldly things that sometime perplex many; a section for all to offer prayers for help and miracles from God; and a section for updates on my program Metamorphosis, Inc., which is a multi facet and an aid to the community and also third world countries, as we are developing programs for theses countries to help curtail hunger, deplorable housing, and general deprived conditions found in these countries.

You will enjoy this site immensely; it will answer many questions about the Divine, and it will, in a simple manner, aid you in this world.