Why are there so many failed relationships, especially marriages?!
Many individuals ask, where have I failed, as they see another relationship end? Many clergy and leaders asked the same questions also, why are there so many failed relationships? They know in terms of marriages, there will be a loss of male leadership in the home, if there are children involved in a marriage. Male and female children need a strong male to guide them in their future life, especially male children. The clergy and leaders know that broken relationships are the root causes of many of our societal problems.
Americans, as a non-traditionalist society, try many new things because it is written into the dynamics of our society. We are a dynamic society. Changes for us spell wealth, fame, prestige, etc.., however, with that change certain elements are lost. I dare to say that often what is lost is God’s way or principles. In years long past, God’s principles were woven into the fabric of our society, which is the reason why it lasted and flourished the way it did. However, the change was not incorporated with Godly principles and is putting our society at risk of failure.
To get back to relationships, one of the reasons why they do not last is that they aren’t based on God’s laws for man. It is hard, I know, for women to accept this, but God cursed women for the part that Eve played in the Garden of Eden. “You will be subject to your spouse and bare children in pain.” (Genesis 3:16) When we don’t look at our existence in terms of our creator, many things are lost. Although it is a woman’s curse to be subject to their spouse, it is a man’s sacred duty to love his spouse as Christ loves His church, which means although you are subject to me, woman, I will love you with all never-ending love. I will not hurt you or cause you strife or pain. I will not cheat on you or you on me. I will see to your every need. I will love you as I love myself.
What is missing in the relationship is a devoted love for one another. There is no I in a relationship only we. Men should put their women first and women should put their men first in all things. If each puts the other first in everything then there is no strife. There is nothing that satan can take hold of. There is only harmony and love and joyful bliss between the two.
There is no I in a relationship, only What do you want!!! However, each must be true to it, that is what love is and what God wants.
Movies can illustrate many things. I can recall one Christmas movie that depicts what I am trying to convey here. There was a married couple who loved each other dearly. The husband was a strong young man with good character, his father had reared him well. He and his father were very close and when his father died, he left him his gold watch, but his father didn’t have a chain to go with the watch, because he was poor. The movie’s story takes place in the 1930s, when many didn’t have because of poverty. The watch was given to his father by his father, as a family heirloom.
He married a beautiful young lady with incomparably beautiful long blond hair. She would comb her hair for hours, it was her prize. She was his very heart. It was Christmas and neither had money to buy a gift for the other. He had seen a nice expensive hair clamp that would augment his wife’s hair and he knew she would cherish it. The young man was passing a pawn shop and realized how he could buy his wife the hair clamp so he pawned his watch, the watch his father gave him, his father who he loves dearly, and the watch that meant so much to him.
His wife was also thinking about how to buy her husband a gift. She came upon a store that displayed a gold watch chain and thought it would be the perfect gift for her husband. This was the chain for his precious watch, but she had no money. Across the street, she saw a sign that read, we buy human hair for wigs. So, she went in with tears in her eyes and sold her beautiful golden hair to buy her husband the gold chain for his watch.
That is what love is not selfish, forgiving, everlasting, nourishing, long-suffering. They each gave what meant so much to themselves to make their spouse happy and so is love.
There is no I or me in love.
Another, the Headmaster of a boy’s school would observe his boys playing in the schoolyard. They played the game of marbles every day, a game that boys don’t play anymore. One of the boys would steal the other’s marbles when they weren’t looking. He would lie to them and say mean things about some of them when they weren’t around.
Every year the Headmaster would buy presents for the boys, but the boys noticed that one particular boy didn’t get as good presents as they did. The wicked boy was the one wanting. He too wondered why his presents weren’t as good as the others and in a jealous rage tossed around the presents he received from the Headmaster chanting, “I didn’t need them anyway.” So, he asked the Headmaster why his presents weren’t as good. The Headmaster said: “I have noticed how you treat the other boys. They don’t know what you are doing to them, but I see how you treat them. Therefore, they get better presents for your devious deeds to them.”
When you treat others poorly, God, who has a heart sees this and rewards them for your misdeeds and not reward you with the blessings He had for you. For instance, if you treat your spouse badly, God will see this and not reward you with the blessing He has for you in turn for this. Cheating, scornfulness, selfishness, and meanness to mention a few are things that God holds against you. You may not know it, but it might be the reason you don’t get ahead: don’t make good money, or have problems with your kids, to name a few things. No, your spouse does not know that you are cheating but God knows it, and everything else you do to your spouse, and He meads out in turn what you deserve, hopefully in your lifetime.
The Chosen One
Israel, Israel, Israel the chosen one of God. Why so many problems? Why no peace? Has God forgotten His promise to you; has He forgotten you?
When you are admitted into the presence of God, you are automatically endowed with certain privileges, one being an understanding of His creation; His purpose, and intent for that creation. Also, you are shown oh so many things with many miracles. As a living being, you are admitted into the Divine, a world that is awesomely perfect and beautiful, far surpassing the domain of Earth, surpassing the realities designed for it.
Once you cross into that dimension, you become a “Ward of God” under His jurisdiction and protection; however, you are vulnerable to the attacks of satan because you are human and subject to the test; this every human must endure. Even Christ was tempted by satan, something every human must endure as stated. Christ suffered that as God in the flesh. But being part of the God Head, the Trinity, He knew it was God the Father’s design and could not dismiss that facet of creation, that all flesh must be tested. Of course, after the test Christ dismissed satan because He has the power to do so.
When you become a “Ward of God”, under His protection, God does not hesitate to show what you are to the world. First, to warn of His wrath to those who oppose you, and to show the world by that event that He does exist and is in control of all, which is achieved by the signs He sends which can be miracles; dramatic events, catastrophes; wondrous signs; things that are not normal, things that only can be done by God. We are experiencing those signs today and have experienced them for three years now, in the form of heel clouds.
That sign, the heel clouds, equates back to my book which sets a proof from the beginning to end that God exists. God is showing by the sign to believe in me and know that I am authentically His ward. This no man or entity should dispute because to do so is to be found against God and His will, in danger of His awesome powers being set against you, just as those in the Bible.
All the things I have shown the world thus far are aligned with God’s plan, and logical, where no rational man can dispute it. Yes, my proof flows that well. A child can understand it, let alone educated men.
I know many will have problems with all of my writing. It has nothing to do with the writing but the person writing it. The writings in themselves are sound and logical; the reason why God placed the sign of approval in the sky. All is true and follows God’s plan. But mankind, many men, will have trouble with it. Why? They are terribly flawed and deeply cardinal. They are about their ends, selfish, controlling, oppressive, evil complexes gained by evil designs and many other things. They automatically think that I am after something, some control, wealth or they don’t want to lose some control; their ways that they set into place. They do not understand God or feel His designs. Some feel nothing for others and are supposed to be honest God-fearing men.
So many won’t be able to accept me, and many will try to ruin me, using any means they think will work, which is currently happening. I expect this and know that God and Godly men will prevail over this assault on me. No one, not even satan can overrule God’s will at anything. I was chosen by God, not because of my great purity, far from that; or because of my zeal for Him, that I do have now; I was ushered into the Divine because God was there for me. He came to help me in a time of trouble as He said He would in a vision when I was a boy. However, God knew once He would accept me, and expose Himself to me, I would gain the understanding to further His cause, plan to save mankind, and use my ordeal to reveal God more to the world. He knows my heart is there to do His will. A heart no one sees or do they?
So the signs will be scoffed at, purposely misinterpreted, misdirected, or even ignored. Especially when race comes into place, differences in religions, nationalities, etc… Still, the signs persist I am about peace for the world, seeing that the poor and downtrodden are cared for. And to help the wayward back to the right paths to God, as His ward, making me a prophet, that is my mission.
Peace in the World!
What I am offering and presenting is not a demand but rather a better understanding of the Divine and the perfection of its design. It is not overbearing but docile in a dramatic simple way. I convey that an offer is not a demand from God but a solution by Divine design, God’s perfect way! A solution for peace in Israel and an end to her unrest, which I will present in a simple logical historical flow.
In my book, A Prophecy Twice Told, I explain how God set a plan for salvation sixty-five million years before Adam was created by fashioning land masses as a stage where a Divine drama was acted out. Yes, a stage 65 million years before man was created. A stage where a man called Abram would be placed. A stage where there would be great fanfare and mighty Earth-shaking miracles with mighty wars. Events that would draw the present world’s attention to that region, and the subsequent world for years to come would also view that land, and understand that God exists, that He created everything, that He has all powers as stated in the Bible, and that the Bible is true and is the written word of God.
I can’t go into detail here about how much was encompassed rather I will present the basic facts so that the reader can graphically visualize what is being stated, thus understanding God, that segment of God’s design, and how Israel fit into that plan.
In simplicity, God decided to create life but knew that life would be flawed, with evil being present everywhere, as it is now. And since God has a complete sense of how everything works, He knows that evil could not exist with intelligent life because evil would destroy all life eventually. He knew and understood this when He decided to create intelligent life. The being He created can reason, as He reasoned things and even placed reasoning into being for mankind.
Therefore, He designed a plan to teach man how to keep in control and not let evil destroy mankind. He could have created man to be good, but with absolute free will, all the choices come with it. He wanted to share life with His creation, and He (God) has free will; therefore, His creation has free will. But God’s tendency is not inclined to evil, and He doesn’t want us to incline to evil, because we would self-destruct.
The plan is to let mankind live with free will, give them laws to live by so he knows what is expected of him, and judge man in the end. Then, give man a second chance at it with those who learn, gaining complete salvation, and those who persist with evil, gain their rewards for evil, hell.
The ones who learn the first time will not be tested again but will enter paradise because they are in the complete will of the Father, proven and true—no need to test them again.
From my proof of God’s existence with the land masses set in place on Earth with all major religious statements resting on them, one will see that I am real when you discern the heel clouds in the worldwide skies.
The land masses I present are those where Israel lies, Italy where the Catholic Church has her seat, Plymouth Rock where the Pilgrims landed for religious freedom, and Louisiana the state where I was born, reared, and now reside. Their shapes are a feat to understand and know that this didn’t occur perchance, but when coupled with Genesis 3:15 where God promises to crush satan’s head, we can see that they are workings of God.
Now we can see why God placed Abraham on that land mass. It was a stage set into motion 65 million years ago when those land masses were formed from the Pangaea. And from Abraham would come Israel and Arabia. Israel the promise of salvation because Christ came from that nation and Arabia because God promised that Abraham’s seed would be great. Thus, we have Issac; the Jewish nation, and Ishmael; the Arabic nation, the two sons of Abraham and their descendants
The Jewish nation never fully understood, and the world doesn’t fully understand God completely. The world does not fully understand His holiness. His complete character is missed fully; the character He wants man to demonstrate. It is the reason why Israel is still in turmoil. She is not in the character of God.
We can now see that God wanted Abraham in the region He sent him. God wanted to make a statement and placed a holy man of God there to make that statement. The statement is to show that God exists, that He is sending a savior, Christ, through a holy nation who are descendants of His holy righteous man- Abraham, and for that nation to be a model of holiness, kindness, love, enabling peace and love in the world, they missed it, as the world miss it!
Israel is not at peace because they pursue a course that has long been established. God has placed them on the land mass where He wanted them for His statement and now the dramatics are over. The evolution should now come into being. The character of God is not adhered to. “If I hear them cry, I will come,” says the Lord. (Exodus 22:20-23, Exodus 22:26 and Jeremiah 22:16) Take care of the widow and the orphan, and the stranger for you were strangers and made slaves, and I saved you with a mighty hand.
Therefore, Israel should not be striving against any nation, but rather help them build and live jointly with them in peace. If the Jews would have helped the German people who were in turmoil after World War I, losing their land to delinquent taxes instead of gobbling their lands up as much as they could, World War II would have been prevented, and the Jews would have had a mighty life long friend and ally. Instead of the latter, they were crushed. If I hear them cry, I will come. I wonder, do you?
It is hard to calm things that are raging. Israel made a good attempt to settle the differences in their land, but the mediator was killed because satan did not want peace there. He wants killing and chaos.
Abraham, your seed shall be great on this Earth. Both Israel and the Arabs are extremely wealthy nations. This wealth helps them to flourish. They were endowed with great minds, such as Einstein, Fraud, and others. The Arabs modernized much of their world through conquest, not God-inspired but inspired by greed. Yet, their culture is displayed in science, architecture, and the arts.
I am implying that Israel use that wealth and knowledge to grow and incorporate the surrounding nations in that growth. Come together and join resources and build and grow together. It is God’s way and His character. The war for Israel is over the seed planted and the statement made. Let us strive for peace!
“I will make your seed great, as numerous as the stars in the sky”. Genesis 26:4
As stated, in the writing for Israel, my credentials are shown to the world as a sign by God that I am a true Prophet of God, and with that warship, I am endowed with Divine wisdom to understand the things of God that are visible, yet hidden from the world. I am trying to state or establish, that I should be taken seriously when I tender things to the world. This is because God is behind whatever I do since I’m in wardship with Him. Everything that is in a righteous vain. Also stated in the topic, “Israel”, was the fact that I am of the wrong race, religion, and national origin to offer solutions to world problems, however, the fact remains that I am a ward of God under His jurisdiction, protection, and care. Woe to those who maliciously oppose me for they oppose Almighty God Himself.
The entities, the writings I tender solutions for their problems, there are a few, are not compelled to adhere to them, but rather understand the wisdom of God on matters; this is what I’m offering. We all have free will to decide on the things that confront us. God wants us to learn to choose the righteous things, as His children.
In my writings, and in my book, A Prophecy Twice Told, (on the internet market, all book sale sites), I give the world proof that God exists, which is accomplished by showing the land masses He created to show how satan’s head is being crushed. The most eminent one is the land mass where Israel lies, but the Arabic nations also reside on that land mass. The stated land mass equates back to Genesis 3:15 where God told satan that his head would be crushed, “You will strike at her heel, and she will strike at your head’. Therefore, we have land masses with heels that house mighty religious entities. (I also have 3 videos on that address the same, Proof of God’s Existence).
The land mass where Israel and the Arabic nations rest is told with the story of Abraham. That land mass was created 65 million years before Adam’s creation, and with that, we can see the greatness of God. God created the world by His fashioning that landmass for a drama to be acted out by mankind before He created Adam, which came to pass.
The story of Abraham tells us about God’s love for Abraham, whom He found to be a good, righteous man. Love was reciprocated by Abraham back to God. Abraham loved God and did everything God asked him to do. The main thing being, to move to a region and establish a nation there. That region is the landmass shaped as a heel crushing, and where the two nations reside now, Israel and Arab nations, the descendants of Abraham.
During Abraham’s journey, he fathered two sons, whom God promised to make great. God promised to make Abraham’s seed great, but only Abraham” ‘s legitimate seed -Issac – could fulfill the promise, only a son by Abraham’s wife Sarah could fulfill the promise of fathering a nation where Christ could fulfill the promise of a savior. Yet, Abraham’s other son Ismael also was promised to be a great nation.
The complete story of Abraham is found in the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible and should be read by all so one can get a thorough grasp of God and His plan for mankind. From the things I have discussed in the writings, one can understand that the world was planned before it was created.
The Arab nation like the Jewish nation has been troubled with turmoil since its existence. After the angel saved Hagar, Ismael’s mother, and Ismael himself from death in the desert, and after Abraham had put them out of their camp, the angel told Hagar that God was going to make her son’s descendants great and that they would be like wild men fighting with everyone, which they still do today. We can read and study their history and see that the angel correctly foretold the history of the Arab nation.
Historians say that they were a fragmented people and didn’t become a united people until their prophet Mohammed told of a revelation he received from God. This revelation was made into a religion which is Islam. In its teaching, found in their Holy Koran, certain principles are called for by God who they call Allah. It has become one of the major religions of the world and it somewhat parallels the Jewish faith.
In essence, one can understand that God was with Ismael also just as He was with Issac. They were both promised to be great nations, and they are. This is evident today and cannot be disputed. Like Israel, the Arabs have great wealth. It is no coincidence that the oil underneath their lands is immense. God bestowed the oil underneath their lands for them to thrive and prosper as the Jewish nation thrived.
Since Ismael was also promised greatness, his descendants must adhere to the character and nature of God. God intends for them to flourish, in a peaceful state, because God’s nature is calm and wants peace for all mankind. Therefore, the Arab nation should enjoy the wealth that God has endowed them, with their leaders seeing that all their kinsmen are secured with clothes, fed, and housed. And any stranger living among them should likewise be taken care of. It is the will of God.
I am saying there should not be any strife in that region. Where there is strife there is turmoil and destruction and suffering with no growth. These are things that God does not want for His creation- man. His statement was made in that region by planting nations there and it has been accomplished. There should be great wealth and mighty states with Arab people being happy in their land. Their state should be the same as America, enough for all and all taken care of. We are not at our optimum, but this can be achieved.
America also has a landmass shaped like a foot with heel crushing. Look at Plymouth Rock and Louisiana. Massachusetts protrudes out into the Atlantic Ocean and that portion of land is the shape of a foot/heel. It is the site where the Pilgrims landed for religious freedom. Louisiana is also in the shape of a foot/ heel. Can you see, the whole picture?
As stated in other writings, this writing is not meant to give an advantage to any race, nation, or religion; don’t go off on tangents. This writing is only meant to illuminate God’s wisdom and will. There is much, much more to His creation and understanding that can only be grasped by Divine wisdom. So please don’t go off on tangents, rather bask in His wisdom that I am projecting!
My credentials are clouds being formed resembling a foot with heels. They are worldwide, sent by God.
Although the writings on Israel and Arabia were written some time ago, I hesitated to publish them on my website. There is a medium in play, which I won’t go into detail about, that has projected the writings to the public. Of course, my asking that no one go off on tangents was not followed and much unrest beset the Arab nations. This would have been OK if it were done peacefully, but it was not. I explained that God did not want violent discard; it is not His way. It should have been handled how Gandhi defeated the British, in a non-violent manner. The only leader who did what God wanted Him to do as a leader was King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. He saw the need to aid his people more and complied with their wishes.
The wealth is there for all, and God wants the descendants of Abraham to live well. It is the reason why the mass oceans of oil are there. Their people, as all people, should have the best that money can buy: hospitals, clinics, living complexes, educational facilities, etc… Their leaders should ensure that their nations will always prosper by offering free education to students who show promise in academics and provide free education locally and abroad in fields such as medicines, engineering, teaching, agriculture, science, etc.
I asked that peace reign; it is the way of God. I am only stating His will for those who are descendants of Abraham. As a proven prophet and “ward of God”, I must convey His will for mankind. One of the signs of my wardship with God is the clouds with heels, which are displayed for all mankind to see. Anyone who confronts me confronts God Himself; anyone who scorns me scorns God Himself. Anyone who tries to overturn my work for humanitarian purposes will encounter the wrath of God. It is happening now, and God has sent much for my misuse, which I will not go into, although it was shown to various leaders. Let it remain in the past. Satan was having his way. But if there is any question about me being real, look into the world skies and see my sign sent by God Almighty Himself. No matter where you live, what your status in life is, or what your religious belief is, I am with you because I know God loves all of us. Later in my writings, we will take a look at ideologies. It is too complicated to give in brief.
World Wide Clouds with Heels
There is a perplexing event that the world is facing, made so by people who fear the impact of the event. I am sure you are understanding what I am alluding to. It is a Divine Event of Heel Clouds that are being formed by God worldwide. I will clarify in this section, the event since it pertains to me and all my undertakings. I will start at the beginning so there is a clearer understanding and the logic of the event can be understood.
As stated in my book A Prophecy Twice Told, I was visited by the Holy Family when I was merely a child. At the time, I was too young to understand the meaning of the visit and framed in my mind that I would keep it a secret, how a beautiful lady visited me. Of course, I didn’t recognize that the Christ child was paramount in that visitation but God would point that out to me in later life. But until He did, I always thought of it as the beautiful lady who appeared to me when I was alone sitting on my grandmother’s front porch.
As trouble is in this world, it found me and consumed me as it does so many. But as promised, God came to aid me through my problems. This was the reason for the visitation as a child: to state that Christ would be there for me. And through the years, God and Christ stayed with me to protect and comfort me. He asks me to write, never saying what to write but only to write. That is why I wrote the book, A Prophecy Twice Told, which He helped to write.
In the book, I proved the existence of God by showing the landmasses He created 65 million years before He placed Adam on this earth. They relate to Genesis 3:15 where He promised satan that He would crush his head. On the land masses shaped in the form of a heel-crushing lay mighty religious entities or they convey a mighty statement of religious endeavor, as with the case of Plymouth Rock, which is one of the four land masses with crushing heels that I present in my book and other writings. With the creation of the four land masses in the shape of a heel crushing, we can see that God exists, because all equates to the verse in Genesis.
As stated, trouble found me and plagued me as trouble does. However, God and Christ were there to aid me in my problems, so much so that He bid man to help me because satan had overwhelmed me and was causing much trouble in the world. He bid me to offer the world proof that He wanted me to have certain things, and to show the world what was transpiring at the time. One of the things He wanted for me was my created program, Metamorphosis, Inc., and certain inventions I had at the time. This I related to several leaders at the time, a few years ago. Nothing came about, and God would send catastrophes for not heeding Him. I am not going into detail about this, but I am sure many can see that our catastrophes are many.
The leaders didn’t ascertain or grasp the signs that I gave them, or rather, God gave to them, and some said they didn’t believe me. Whatever their reasoning, however, God would send retaliation for their aloofness and non-belief in the matter. (See Deuteronomy 18:19). Which brings us to the present, the appearance of the Heel Clouds in the world skies. The clouds relate to the land masses that God created and to Genesis 3:15. God is telling the world to heed me, that I am real, and His ward.
Satan would not show the world signs because too many would be saved once they saw a supernatural event. God wants the world to know He exists or He would not have made the landmasses that are prevalent in the world or placed the heel clouds in the world skies for all to see.
I only cover the gist of things that are written in the book. One is the proof that God exists. You can purchase the book to get a deeper understanding of the mysteries of God. The proceeds will be used to fund Metamorphosis, Inc. and combat world hunger and deprivation, mainly to help the poor and the downtrodden of the world.
Send a check or money order to:
Metamorphosis, Inc.
P.O. Box 9316
New Iberia, La 70560
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A special blessing is attached to purchasing the book; this God promises!
The Gift
While Reading something a preacher friend wrote about his father, how he was never there for him, and deserted his mother, him, and other siblings when all were very young. Of course, as a preacher, he, through his training as a preacher, knew to forgive his father and harbor no contempt for him. I decided to write about how one should feel about a delinquent parent or a dead-beat day in a Biblical way.
The following, entitled “The Gift,” explains why we should not hold grudges against a delinquent parent. It is taken from the perspective that our end is more important and that we should strive for that end, and not be engulfed negatively by world situations.
While walking through the woods, a man fell into a hole, and then, he fell through the hole. He got up and started to brush himself off. As he did, he began to feel the best he had ever felt, extremely invigorated with enormous energy. Then his focus turned back to his immediate surroundings. He began to notice that his surroundings had changed. He saw that the woods had become remarkably changed, and now is extremely beautiful. In particular, he noticed that the trees had become extremely beautiful symmetrical, not one blemish, or blight, in terms of foliage. The grass had become the same way; an indescribably beautiful hue of green with no blight, and flowers too beautiful to describe. The whole thing dazed him; he could not fully process it. He was baffled at the experience.
And, he said, as we would say, “What the …., is going on?” He heard voices coming his way. He began to walk out of the field where he had walked to see who he had heard. Upon doing so, he stepped onto a most splendid roadway. It was intertwined with gold and silver. It was indeed breathtaking, but for sure, jaw-dropping. He couldn’t believe his eyes at what he saw.
Standing there, bewildered, the people he heard came into view. But again, he was amazed at the beauty he gazed upon. It was a group of men and women, but the men were beautifully, masculinely handsome, and the women exceedingly beautiful. Again, the scene was breathtaking.
When he gathered his senses, he asked, what we all would ask, “What place is this?” No one immediately responded to the question, they greeted him and asked that he join them. They explained, “We are on our way to a meal, please join us.”Without hesitation, he agreed to their offer. He wanted to see more of this place and maybe they would answer his questions. At this time they were seated on a bench adorned with precious jewels, made with elegant perfumed woods. Also, the fences there were made the same, post tops with all the different jewels, rubies, sapphires, onyx, and precious stones. The fences were indescribable in human terms, as all of what he had seen was.
Let’s go to the banquet hall to which they all agreed. He began to stand, flexing his muscles to do so. However, In an instant, he was seated at the most gorgeous table words or imagination could not describe. Here, again, all the precious elements present. Gold and silver laced plates; golden goblets; crystal bowls; silver spoons, forks, and knives. Fruits were passed as appetizers, but when he tasted one, it was so delicious that the flavor stimulated him so much, that he knew he could get addicted to it. The food was the same way, indescribably delicious. He sat there enjoying himself suddenly a rope dropped down to pull him out of the hole.
My question to you is, would you grasp that rope?
This is the world that God is trying to give us. He is running after us to place us in this world, but we refuse it by sinning.
This is what our initial life is about, a transcendence to the described world. Therefore, does it matter who fathered or birthed us? We all are given the chance at the world I described to you, as a “ward of God”, by our parent’s union. Don’t throw it away, in these instances by not honoring, loving, and caring for your parents, no matter if they are there or not there for you.
I thought a description of the paradise that God intends for us would put my previous writing into a better perspective. The Bible tells us, “Eyes have not seen nor ears heard of the things I (God) have for those who love Him. Isaias 64:4
The picture at the top of the page is of Plymouth Rock where the Pilgrim landed, bringing religious freedom to the Americas, a freedom that has not been equaled or surpassed.
In my book, A Prophecy Twice Told, I explained the landmass of the foot/heel which you can see if you take a very discerning look at the state of Massachusetts. A close inspection will show that the land mass protrudes into Massachusetts Bay in the shape of a foot with a heel as if crushing.
The explanation I gave is that this land mass proves the existence of God as it equates back to Genesis 3:15, where God tells satan that He, God, will crush his head. Of course, by the pilgrims landing there bringing their Christian belief satan is defeated, his head being crushed and his works being hampered by the works of the Puritans, who landed there.
The whole land mass graphically depicts how America would come into existence in the future and proves that God created the world.
This is accomplished by placing a smaller land mass right beneath the heel of the land mass. That small land mass is in the form of a British general’s hat. The land mass to its right depicts the hat fleeing from America.
The whole area shows or tells the story about the formation of America, the United States, and its intended purpose, plus it graphically proves that God willed this.
That land mass there, the foot/heel as I termed it, was formed sixty-five million years before Adam was placed on earth; therefore, a stage was set to be performed on by man sixty-five million years before Adam existed and is the reason why God called Abraham to the region, to which he called him and was also in the shape of a foot/heel, that foot/heel, the subcontinent where Israel and Jordan lies.
A profound statement is made by God forming a nation there, of course, the Jewish nation. That statement is that He would send Christ to save us and bring us into the fold of salvation.
With the above explanation, we can see why the United States of America has become such a great nation; it is God’s will that it be so. He has willed a place on this earth where men are given freedom to pursue a good life, have liberty, and be happy with religious freedom.
Of course, it didn’t achieve the degree of freedom that God intended with slavery and all. In reality, the United States has not achieved the heights that God intended it to reach or the heights that it can reach. This is to include the other areas that He touched also. Israel and Arabia, to mention other areas He blessed to be great.
It is the negative, sinful quality of man that hampers this ultimate state. Qualities such as greed, racism, selfishness, egotistical designs, and many other human negative elements hamper a utopia here on earth, the U. S. has come somewhat close to it, but much still is lacking.
Like Egypt, God gave us the U. S. so that man could exist in a good state. In my book, I explained how God gave us Egypt so that man could have culture and learn how to masterfully live in a large metropolitan setting. Because God endowed this is the reason why we can’t explain feats that the Egyptians accomplished coming almost right out of the stone age as some historian explains.
It was God who enlightened men with the skills to accomplish the building tasks that they did. Because of my wardship with God, I was given to me how one was achieved.
For the longest, it perplexed man: erecting those large monolith stone structures. How could ancient man accomplish this, the erecting of such huge stones?
The Holy Spirit, the comforter, sent an Egyptian queen to show me. While sitting in my easy chair viewing the segment, she appeared behind me and peeped around the chair smiling at me, playfully. Then she disappeared. As I continued watching the segment, the part of the obelisk came on. At that point, the video altered showing the obelisk with sand being removed from around its base. I realized at that moment that they let gravity erect those structures.
They would push the structures on a sand ramp, and they figured out how high it had to be and the slope to achieve it. Then they would push or pull it over the edge of the ramp letting gravity do the rest, lowering it into a sand shaft so it wouldn’t topple over. Then the sand would be removed leaving a perfectly erected structure.
To give you a tad bit of the Divine world, at the time of this occurrence, I worked for a large clothing retailer, at their distribution center in Fort Worth, TX. At the center, trucks from the world over would come in to deliver all the clothes that many third-world countries would manufacture. I watched as one of the workers backed a truck into one of the bay doors to be unloaded when she reappeared, but she didn’t know I could see her. She was right in front of me. So I told her, “It’s a different world, huh.” She was amazed at the truck, and I guess, the whole facility because it was automated with everything being computerized, even conveyor belts that carried the clothes in, with computers directing them where they should go. Of course, she just smiled after being startled that I could see her, then she disappeared again.
Hatshepsut is very beautiful. I say it is her because when she appeared to me for the first time, they were discussing her dynasty.
I have seen so much of the beautiful spiritual world! I couldn’t write it all down. It would take too long and that is the reason why I highlight segments so we, mankind, can grasp what is being conveyed and God’s will for us.
So we can see from the Egyptian empire and the land masses that God never left us completely alone and has been achieving His will for us. However, we never fully maximize what He gives us because of our human frailties and or lack of Godly instruction, not being able to masterfully understand and incorporate them fully, His gifts that is.
What should have happened after Columbus found the new world was an influx of colonies like was done, but not with the intent of grabbing all the wealth from the new world. Sure, great wealth was there: forests, fish, fur, minerals, precious metals but also there were human beings who were there, thousands of years before Europeans. So, everything belonged to them. What should have happened was a partnership, a joining of talents so that both parties could prosper.
The Indians found there, named by Columbus thinking he had reached India, accepted the newcomers and helped them get established in the new world. But the Europeans, in their greed and racism, sought to take it all from the Indians, which they did.
Of course, that was not God’s intent. The Europeans even enslaved men to help extract the wealth of the new world because it was too massive for them to accomplish alone. This exacerbated the atrocities.
What should have been achieved was a union with the Indians, buying their land at a fair price or asking for permission to extract the riches giving the Indians a share in the revenues. Initially, this was done but as the Europeans started to outnumber the Indians and were more powerful, they used horrible, appalling tactics to obtain America’s riches.
The massive labor needed could have been achieved by offering all nations of the earth, at that time, a place to gain wealth and prosper. People around the world would have trekked there for the promise of wealth. Just like the masses who migrated for the gold rush, and those who migrated later from Ireland, Italy, Spain, and other nations for that promise of freedom and a chance to prosper and become rich.
What we should see now is what we have, and maybe Indians trials for the Indians who didn’t want to assimilate into the European culture. History tells us that many Indians were assimilating but were forced onto reservations after a bitter fight between Whites in our Congress. The Whites in favor of the reservations thought it idoneous for the Indians to be there, they not being White or even having human status.
Many White Americans didn’t consider the many gifts the Indians contributed to the formation of, at that time, a fledgling nation which helped to establish it and cemented it as a strong viable nation. Their memory, if they had any as time passed, was blinded by greed and racism.
The Indians even gave us our democratic form of government. Yes, our democracy was patterned after the Iroquois nation, which had formed a federation of tribes years before the Europeans landed: a federation that fostered peace, stability, and growth for those participating tribes.
I could write on and on just how great we could have been without slavery and the utter destruction of the Indians, which was mainly fostered by greed, selfishness, and racism.
Even after the birth of our nation as we grew into our industrialization, we still exhibited great, great selfishness. The forefathers of our great industrial complex were men who compiled great wealth by business cutthroat policies, they used their workers without consideration of their humanity; underpaid, deplorable working conditions, women, and child labor were among atrocities to the human spirit.
However, the righteousness of the nation, and the human concern that it is based on prevailed, and these industrialist pioneers were forced to consider the human rights of individuals and their value as human beings. The large monopolies massed by men like John Rockefeller, Carnegie, and J. P. Morgan were forced by our government to give up their stranglehold on the American people by breaking up the huge monopolies they had set in place. Monopolies were a stranglehold as the industrialists did anything they wanted to with their businesses to gain wealth. Many practices are very inhumane. It is all right to increase your talent, from the Bible talent parable, but not at the expense of your fellow man, all must be treated fairly.
As stated, God deemed this country great which is graphically shown by the landmass of the foot/heel at Massachusetts Bay at Plymouth Rock where the Pilgrims established religious freedom and freedom for all men. Also, God knew that there would be great atrocities committed when the country would be established, but righteous men would prevail and the masses of humans would live in relative peace and America would be a beacon of light and help for the world; He willed it as such.
No, we have not reached our utopia, but we are close to what God wanted. Of course, man, can’t achieve perfection, but God has that in His plan once we master this life here.
From the above, we can logically see that God has never really left us but has guided our growth and progress. He enabled men to achieve His purpose for mankind which He laid at the laying of the foundation of the world. The beautiful foot/heel land masses formed millions of years ago, prove this. No, not to the perfection it could have been; but, because of God’s will, we are.
Below is a speech I gave to the prospective advisory board members for Metamorphosis, Inc. The meeting had a dual purpose of asking for their help, to join the advisory board and to present, enlighten them about the Divine Event that is presently occurring in the world, the appearance of clouds with heels, and to explain why the clouds have heels. God is telling the world that my proof of His existence is correct and to establish me as a true modern-day “ward of God”.
I called for a Minority meeting to organize them for the effort and to air “dirty laundry”. The media is playing this whole thing down, I felt that many Whites see this as a threat to their status quo, although God is not in that vein, but they are persistent with their negativity and nullification. Therefore, I thought it best to meet with minorities until we could find the whites who would truly help with this humanitarian effort and not try to defeat it for their selfish ends or racial philosophies. Many Blacks and Whites are not grasping what is before them, the display of the “heel clouds, which are worldwide, and will reap the wrath of God, if they try to defeat this. God is always concerned for the poor and the downtrodden.
Lord come into our midst and bless us!
Lord look upon our families and bestow your blessing on them!
Gracious Lord, guide and protect them; keep them on your righteous paths.
Gracious Lord, we are gathered here today for a mighty purpose
to help our brethren with the many problems they face.
Lord open our minds and hearts so we can do your will, to aid our fellow man and lighten his burdens.
King of Mercy, we ask that we all meet you at our end and enjoy your salvation!
Let the faithful in Christ say, Amen.
Let those who trust in God say, Amen.
Let those who are ready to do God’s will say, Amen!
II. THANK YOU, every one of you, for being here today, for taking time from your busy schedules, and for giving me an ear to talk about some of the problems we are facing in our Black community and the larger community. I highly appreciate you as being friends.
A. To ask for help with a community project and as a humanitarian effort
B. To ask you to be a part of an Advisory Board that will set and accomplish certain goals that will be addressed during the meeting.
So that you get a better understanding of what I am going to present in totality, I will present the following to you. Bear with me because the material no one has dealt with in a very long time is not about me but is a humanitarian effort.
I wrote a book, A Prophecy Twice Told, which is presently on the internet market. In the book, I prove the existence of God is very tangible. The proof is readily seen. There is no mistake in the proof. It is there for the world to see. It goes like this…. In Genesis 3:15 God told satan that He would crush satan head for leading mankind to sin. (He created land masses in the shape of a foot with crushing heels, all have deep religious symbolism because all of the entities that rest on those sites bring God’s light into the world.
Land mass 1 Israel – 1 Peter 2:9 You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, an acquired people, so you may announce the virtues of Him who has called you out of darkness Into His marvelous light.
Land mass 2 Italy – Matthew 16:17-18 “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates to the netherworld shall not prevail against it.
Land mass 3 Plymouth Rock
Land mass 4 Louisiana Matthew 11:25 God reveals things to whom He pleases.
To prove that I am correct as the book has drawn much criticism and nullification,
I want you to gather here and see the clouds with heels that God is forming for the world to see. These clouds are worldwide. They are there for you to believe me and believe the writings in my book and web page “”
One of the things God wants to see functioning is Metamorphosis, Inc., my youth-oriented program. But first, I must give background information to establish a clearer understanding of what we will resolve.
The Community Chain
If any link is weak, it weakens the community! Any weak segment has to be dealt with which causes money, time, and effort. If the weak segment is to be dealt with and rectified, that is if a solution is wanted, if the cancer grows
If any link is weak, it weakens the community! Any weak segment has to be dealt with which causes money, time, and effort. If the weak segment is to be dealt with and rectified, that is if a solution is wanted, if not the cancer grows.
As Blacks, we lead in all the negative categories.
Starting with our youth.
A. poor school performance
B. drop-out rate
C. violent behavior – many killings in our community – cited 8-year-old shot as told by a spoke person at a Black History event.
D. juvenile delinquency
E. teen pregnancy
To mention some of our major negative areas.
As a whole
A. High Poverty Rate
B. High unemployment rate
C. High incarcerations
D. High divorce rate
E. Single parenthood – female head of household
Hindrance to solving the above:
Fragmented attitudes
Self- seeking
No unification
No clear vision to resolve problems – Throwback to Dr. King’s movement we are still in that mode, we have to progress as the need arises. Dr. King’s method is still needed in some instances, however. (Non- violent protest)
Lack of decisive leadership – When we try we get positive results. Cited two Chicago programs, Peacemaker Basketball League and Kids Off the Blocks.
Rely on others to lead us or resolve our problems.
If we are to ever really as a people in or American community, we must take the reigns of our own destinies and devote the time, money, and talents to curve the many problems that are eating away at our people and our community. IT CAN AND WILL BE DONE!
We as responsible, educated, and concerned Black men and women must own up to our responsibilities to resolve our many problems. Just as our ancestors, as slaves and disenfranchised people, rose to throw off their chains of oppression. We must realize and work to resolve our issues as a people for ourselves and our community.
My question to you is if we don’t, WHO WILL???
God has brought us this far but He is not going to do it all for us, WE HAVE ARRIVED!!! Let’s do this, let’s start to make an effort to resolve our issues.
VI. PROPOSED PROJECTS – Youth Center to coral and congeal our youth so we can instill the morals, character, and self-discipline so that they fare well in our society. THIS IS THE VILLAGE!!! The center will house all youth activities.
A. Youth Projects, which is also the name of the program
To foster better guidance, we proposed to offer
1. Counseling – both one-on-one and group dynamics
2. 2. Alternative Activities – wholesome fun activities that will help with the youth personal and social growth.
3. Job Readiness – Teach job skills enhancement and job placement.
4. Youth Business Experience – For-profit businesses.
B. Community Projects
Minority Businesses – owned by Metamorphosis, Inc.
To provide lasting income for the program and to provide jobs for young adults and job training for our youth.
1. Fast Food Stores – I have one in mind but need more research.
2. Mechanic Shop – Lined up
3. Car Detailing Business – Lined up.
These are only the basic projects and we will develop them fuller as we proceed with the implementation of the program and develop others.
We will seek Fed, State, and private funding, but we are not going to rely strictly on these. First of all, they present their solutions to the problems at hand and sometimes are limited to fully attacking the problems, and secondly, they are sort term grants from 3 to 5 years in duration. This means by the time you start making a good impact, you have to seek other fund sources that are extremely competitive; therefore, your program is in danger of folding, and future progress and growth are threatened.
If we fund our program, we can ensure that we affect our destinies by developing programs that put solutions to our problems.
What I propose is pooling our resources. A group of let’s say 500 to start up our program by donating $25 a month. This would be $12,500 a month which will get us started. $150,000 a year.
I want to call the group the Funding Society.
Here’s how it will work, and it will be a win-win situation for everyone.
The $25 is tax deductible but $5 of the $25 will be invested for the individual to be remitted back to that person when he resigns from the Society. However, he must pledge a 5-year commitment to the Society. The $5 plus all earnings it has accumulated present market value upon resigning will be returned.
Note: The monies from the Funding Society will not be used for salaries or administration. Any personnel will be under a professional contract, namely counselors, security, workshop leaders, etc. The monies will be used for operational expenses and to pay off business loans.
The Funding Society members will be asked to pledge their amount for 5 years so that a solid balance sheet can be presented to credit institutions for business loans.
All Advisory Board members will be responsible for the recruiting of the Society members. To further address the Advisory Board and its makeup, it will be broken down into committees: the Education, Counseling, and Finance committees.
Remember, God has helped us to arrive; we must do this!!!
You can see the rich rewards from this program as it will help our youth, and it will also help the poor in our community because these are the people we will target for help: Black, White, Latino, and Asian. It will be an eclectic effort, that is drawing from the entire community and this synergism will be successful.
But there is a greater reward. I’ve shown you the signs that God has given us so if you read Matthew 25:33-41,”Then the king will say to those on His right, Come you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the
I was hungry and you fed me;
I was thirsty and you gave me drink;
Stranger and you welcomed me;
Naked and you clothed me.
When did we see you hungry, thirsty, a stranger, or naked?
“Whatever you did for the least brothers of mine, you did for me”!!!
Point to Italy Is Christ real?
This is very REAL!!!
Love as God loves !!!!
With the regal look of a beautiful stallion, as he looks after his herd, is the royal beauty of a woman.
As his gate is strong and true, is her graceful elegant moves, with sureness and melodious ease.
He sees after his herd, making sure that no harm comes to it. She looks after her family giving them her love.
With strength, he moves through his mares; she with her elegant presence, puts her house at ease knowing that they are well kept.
The mighty stallion leads his herd to good pastures; she sees that her crew, especially her spouse, is happy, and she maintains love in her house.
No, there is nothing as beautiful as a good, loving woman. She was elegantly created for that purpose and is a precious gift to the world, especially the man she keeps.
As I have mentioned before, God has allowed me to become His ward. He ordained me to that office and has privileged me to many things in terms of Divine insight, which is granted through O so many visions, which make my knowledge of the Divine more than insight; things are directly conveyed to me.
One of the visions He showed me was Him creating Adam. Just as the Bible says, He formed Adam from the Earth, but He pondered over him briefly, then called Adam to life. I often wonder what He pondered on. Did He see Adam’s entire life on Earth? I don’t know. I can only guess at that brief moment of thought before He called Adam to life.
Now, the question is, why did He only cast Adam? Why not Eve also, since He knew His design called for a rejuvenation of species on Earth? This could not be accomplished with just Adam, he needed a female to complete him, just as all life on Earth had then. Remember, man was the last to be created by God.
Once you’re allowed into the arena of the Divine, many things are open to you; knowledge is imparted for you to understand; you become esoteric in a Divine sense so that your witness can be true, and others can realize God Almighty.
You see, God knew that the story of creation would be told to the world, and He wanted to emphasize women’s role here on Earth. If she were created together with Adam, her role would not have been dramatically emphasized. Therefore, it was dramatized by God, the role women would play. As the Bible states, Adam was alone and was lonely. God, therefore, decided to make Adam a helper and a comforter, which is the woman’s role assigned by God Almighty Himself. A helper and a comforter!!! Genesis 2:18
As the Bible goes, God cast Adam into a deep sleep took a rib from Adam, and made a woman, someone to comfort Adam and help him with subduing the Earth, the dramatization. And He commanded them to be fruitful and multiply, just as God’s other creations were commanded to do.
The Earth was ready for human occupation. God had designed it from the beginning, and let time bring it all into fruition. To clarify the debate of creation in 7 days, it was designed in 6 days and lived as He designed it. Nothing could stop or change the design, so it was real though not materialized until the design called for it. His beautifully designed world was ready for its next leg – humanity. Like a beautiful garden, it evolved to the point where God would place man in it.
Therefore, women have their royal role, which is simply to be a help, comforter, and companion to men while on Earth. Although women complain about many things, this shouldn’t be, because it is not her duty to add to woes, but her duty to soothe woes and hardships, which she was endowed with mighty skills to do so. Not sexual skills but a certain intellect to do so. Intuition is one of them and a keen sense of discernment and other things that help her with her assignment as a helper.
As a ward of God, I’m told many things. One thing while we’re on the subject of women, God said she is not loved!!! This was handed to me by God Himself. I was hurt by that, but finally, I could see why God said that. We, as men, often misuse women, treating them as lesser beings, not adhering to God’s decree that we love our women, and treat them with the utmost respect. This is called for by God. Many men are not blessed because of this ill-treatment. Peter 3:7. Many can’t figure out why things don’t fall right for them like they do for other men.
I like to watch “The Price is Right”, a famous game show, that has aired for many years now. The segment with the big wheel always amuses me. A high percentage of women always win at the wheel when they face men, higher than the probability calls for. And if a minority woman is pitted with other women, the minority woman wins. I just say that God is putting some joy into their lives. Since there’s a medium around, one of the show’s directors commented they had not noticed that. But if you watch that show, try to notice the big wheel segment, which is purely set to chance. Women when pitted against men win a large percentage of the time, with minority women winning when pitted against other women.
So we have amazing women, by God’s design to help men, although many fall short of that role due to not fully understanding that role, not fully mastering the role for which they were created. And God also cautioned them to remain in His light by stating that scorn was not made for the likes of women. Meaning, not to get hateful, revengeful, or contemptible. God, knowing It is a quality that they possess, but to always subdue it, as a true child of God, knowing that we are placed on this Earth for a test, and if we pass that test, our rewards are great in paradise.
I teach Catholic CCD classes to ninth-grade students, and when we discuss the fall of mankind, I point out what man opted for, which was knowledge. I explain to my classes since man opted for knowledge, he has to learn everything, I mean everything has to be learned here on Earth because Adam turned down God’s gift of the Holy Spirit who holds everything in perfection.
Therefore, we must learn the things it takes to be a good partner in a relationship. God gave it to us in a broad but totalitarian way, yet simple. In the case of a woman’s role, a help and a comforter, which she innately carries, but is thrown off course by different circumstances that the world produces, and satan is ever present to complicate matters.
The reasons above are the reasons why we see so many divorces. The woman rule is not strictly adhered to, due to complexities. But if a better understanding of each role is manifested then there is a harmonious relationship. The glue that bonds is love. Women respect, honor, and obey your man in all rightful, just things. If love prevails it doesn’t matter the situation, a kind and sincere approach is always manifested, with a will to understand all points of view lovingly; without malice, scorn, and prejudice. Another important quality in a marital relationship is the fact that there is no me or I in a truly good, Godly, working relationship. If the mindset is placed on pleasing the other, there is always a feeling that the other is first in all matters. This in itself relieves selfishness, self-centered, and self-seeking ends.
The only stalemate in a relationship is one partner trying to give to the other, with the other partner refusing, they trying to give the same. So the stalemate persists.
But if a decision has to be made, the man must make it, and his partner must accept the decision, because she is there as a help, not to supersede or demand that her way be the way. If her husband allows her to make the decision, this is fine, however. He must maintain his house; the Bible states, in a firm manner.
What if the male spouse is not abiding by the love, true love commitment, which is the case in many situations? Then all women must know that their role is for God, and it is God who gives them their reward, which is true for both parties. If you do or carry your part of the relationship the way God wants you to, then your reward is great. There is a greater stage set than just this worldly stage. The greater the travail, the greater the reward, so don’t fret yourself.
We have a beautiful, graceful creature, a gift given to mankind by God, who took the time to dramatically illustrate this through the sequence of His creative act, but we fail to grasp the gift, both entities, and we fail, and turmoil abounds.
In past videos, I’ve explained to you that God has made me His ward. With that “wardship”, He told me to write my witness of Him.
God came to me when I was in much turmoil; He came to aid me through my distress and the hardships thrust upon me, however, He had appeared to me when I was a child, in the appearance of the Holy Family, which I had forgotten because I was a very young child. I only recalled it when I was in the third grade when I told my class that The Virgin Mary had appeared to me. She was so beautiful that I endeared her like a mother. The complete vision, however, was the appearance of the Holy Family. While looking at a statue of the Virgin Mary, there was one in every class at St. Edward’s School, I was prompted to tell the class about her visit as one of the visiting Divine persons.
There are actual accounts of miracles that were performed that many people witnessed. These happened when I was a teenager, in a very unlikely place, basketball games.
I was given superhuman strength and was able to leap impossible heights. This happened three times in front of the many people who sat watching the sporting events. There were others, but only three at that stage of my life.
During many sermons given by preachers, you hear some preachers tell of their call to ministry. Some a vision, others a glaring Bible passage, while others an insatiable drive to preach. There are many different stories by many different clergy.
The Catholic Church needs three public miracles before a particular person can be beatified and given the position of sainthood. This is not what I seek, but if God wills it, His will will be accomplished. Yet, those three miracles did happen in the presence of many.
Christ said, in His ministry, “If you cannot witness me to others, then I cannot witness for you to my Father”. Therefore, I have to give a complete witness of my anointment; I’ve been shown many things.
With the above to qualify me, I will start from the beginning of the Bible with its first book, Genesis, The Creation, and proceed from there to explain all of the misconceptions the world has about the Bible and God. I will attempt to unravel things for the reader so that a better understanding or a better grasp can be had of the Divine.
Science states that the world evolved to the state where it is now, and that man, in particular, evolved from apes, who in turn evolved from a single-celled creature.
One thing about science, it discerns the mechanism of many Divine things but misses the bigger picture. The great naturalist and geologist, Charles Darwin, noticed that creatures did evolve, through adaptation or natural selection to changing environments, which is a mechanism of self-perpetuation, a force that enables a given organism the ability to sustain its life. He saw this as the reason for the diversity of the varied species on earth.
Just as everything, the world lives and undergoes dramatic changes causing anything that resides in that region to either go extinct or adapt to that particular change. In most instances, the change is slow and gradual, which allows for the organism to adapt to that change.
The thing that baffles scientists when studying this is the fact, in the case of Earth, that it took billions of years for the Earth to evolve to a point where life could exist, and is a contradiction to the creation of it as the Bible states that God created the world in six days. Genesis 1:31
That is one fact about this whole Earth existence I pondered on, which was caused by a friend’s son when I sat and talked to him about God and His will for us. Her son, like many young people, lives only for the world and doesn’t understand that there is a greater purpose for him than just living on the earth.
The thing that he gave to me, the thing that he questioned was, “Why the dinosaurs”. I just told him that it was just another of God’s creatures. But then I thought to myself, why dinosaurs? Were they created for God’s enjoyment or for God and the angels to enjoy? Why did they live?
Often, I would ponder on it, and one day while I was pondering on it, the word “garden” was shown to me by God.
I grasped what God was saying; the whole creation was a true garden He had made. The universe is like a big garden. The stars, planets, with their moons, and all celestial bodies, took billions of years to form.
But isn’t that how we make gardens? We start with a plan, then cultivate a plan, adding things to augment its beauty. Then plant plants so they can grow into a beautiful scenery. Well, so goes the universe. It is beautifully laced together and finely tuned to achieve a remarkably living entity. It all lives. Stars die and are born. From them come planets and planetary systems in the case of Earth, seasons change and the precise clockwork goes on. all dramatically beautiful.
One thing that baffles scientists is the time element, not understanding God’s miraculous abilities.
God designed the world in six days, (Genesis 1:31), and after each day called what He designed into being, it came into being as time brought it about. Just as in a garden when a seed is planted, it doesn’t become a flower until time allows it to grow under the right conditions.
Yes, God created the whole universe, but time brought the whole creation into fruition. In the Bible, God says whatever He speaks shall come to pass, meaning, it will come into being. Isaiah 55:11
On the instantaneous ability of the miracles, we turn to the Bible in Exodus 14:16 where the Jews are being pursued by Pharaoh’s army, which pinned them against the Red Sea. God told Moses to take his rod, lift It, and stretch out his hand over the Red Sea, which he did, and the Red Sea parted allowing the Jews to pass safely to the other side. Exodus 14:16 But, it took an entire night for the Red Sea to part. Meaning, not all miracles are instantaneous. So how much more would it take to form an entire universe to be created?
The entire universe is extremely beautiful and was dramatically achieved. It was shown to me in a vision before the Hubble telescope sent pictures of it. The whole universe is breathtakingly, awesomely beautiful, with so many hues of vibrant colors.
In another vision, people in Heaven can view the universe as it is set before them like our moon and planets are. They can step out on a platform like a crystal porch, and view the entire universe held in suspension before their eyes. Just as though it is a garden.
With the above, we can see how the creation was achieved. Not in an instant, but brought about by time, after God designed it. Of course, I will get criticized for explaining it in that manner, but the logic is there when coupled with the Biblical accounts.
I have been surprised how science and even some intellectuals downplay the miraculous powers of God, and try to explain some things as highly and oddly natural occurrences. But as Christians, we are attuned to believe in the miraculous powers of God, it is part of our faith structure.
This is the reason why God told me to give my testimony of the things shown to me so that others can understand and become believers and be saved. Everything that I divulge will always be backed with tangible evidence so that the reader or hearer can know that it is true what I am giving them. God has also shown favor to me by placing dramatic signs in the sky to authenticate me as being in wardship with Him.
So I bid all to come to the realization that God exists and to turn their life over to God and become His son or daughter by doing His will, which is to love Him and love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Therefore, science is right; it took billions of years for the universe to evolve to the point where it is, and it took God six days to create it through design, and time brought it to life. The only life form that was created instantaneously was man. God molded and called man to life after conditions on Earth were favorable for man’s existence. Other life forms came into being when conditions favored them since they were already designed to do so.